Term & Conditions

General Terms and Conditions (AGB) for Gate of Nations GmbH

  1. Scope: These General Terms and Conditions (AGB) apply to all contracts concluded between Gate of Nations GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Provider”) and the customer (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”).
  2. Conclusion of Contract: The contract between the Provider and the Customer is concluded by the Customer’s acceptance of the Provider’s offer. Acceptance can be made in writing, verbally, or through conclusive actions.

  3. Services of the Provider: The Provider undertakes to provide the services agreed upon in the contract. Changes or deviations of individual travel services

    the agreed content of the travel contract, which become necessary after the conclusion of the contract and were not brought about by the Provider in bad faith, are permitted, provided that the changes or deviations are not significant and do not affect the overall layout of the booked trip.

  4. Payment: Payment of the agreed travel price is made according to the payment conditions specified in the contract. Unless otherwise agreed, a down payment of 50% of the travel price is due upon conclusion of the contract. The remaining amount is to be paid no later than 30 days before the start of the trip.

  5. Withdrawal and Termination by the Customer: The Customer can withdraw  the trip at any time before the start of the trip. In this case, the Provider may demand reasonable compensation. The amount of compensation depends on the time of withdrawal and the cancellation conditions specified in the contract.

  6. Withdrawal and Termination by the Provider: The Provider can terminate the travel contract without notice if the Customer persistently disrupts the execution of the trip despite a warning or behaves in such a way that the immediate cancellation of the contract is justified.

  7. Liability of the Provider: The Provider is liable within the scope of the duty of care of a prudent businessman for: a) the conscientious travel preparation, b) the careful selection and monitoring of service providers, c) the accuracy of the service description, d) the proper provision of the contractually agreed travel services.

  8. Duties of the Customer: The Customer is obliged to report any travel defects to the Provider immediately and to request remedial action. If the Customer culpably fails to do so, a reduction of the travel price does not occur. The Customer is obliged to cooperate in the remedy of the defect and to keep any damage to a minimum.
  9. Data Protection: The Provider is committed to using and protecting the Customer’s personal data only within the framework of the statutory provisions.

  10. Final Provisions: Amendments and additions to the contract must be in writing. Should any provision of these AGB be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. In place of the invalid provision, a provision shall be deemed to have been agreed that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision.

  • Civil Code (BGB) – German Civil Law
  • Commercial Code (HGB) – German Commercial Law
  • Telemedia Act (TMG) – Law for Electronic Services
  • Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) – Data Protection Law
  • General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) – Anti-Discrimination Law
  • Competition Law – Act Against Unfair Competition (UWG)
  • Price Indication Regulation (PAngV) – Regulation on Price Indications
  • Travel Contract Law – Regulations on Travel Contracts in the BGB
  • Consumer Protection Law – Regulations for Consumer Protection
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – European Data Protection Law