The Persian Qanat

I have traveled many times to Kerman, this wondrous city of diverse natural sites. This time I was determined to visit one of the eleven Qanats, a construction inscribed by UNESCO in 2016 as a World Heritage Site. It is indeed one of the greatest experiences I had in Iran visiting the Qanat of Gowhar-riz […]

Fin Garden, a Melancholic Image of Heaven in Kashan

Fin Garden, known as BĀḠ-e FĪN, Bāḡ-e Šāh-e Kāšān and Bāḡ-e Šāh-e Fīn, a royal garden at about one parasang to the southwest of the city of Kāšān, where subterranean waters from the Dandāna and Haft Kotal mountains emerge to form the Fīn springs. Quote from Iranica They say it was first constructed during the […]