Fin Garden, a Melancholic Image of Heaven in Kashan
MP. Fin Garden Kashan

Fin Garden, known as BĀḠ-e FĪN, Bāḡ-e Šāh-e Kāšān and Bāḡ-e Šāh-e Fīn, a royal garden at about one parasang to the southwest of the city of Kāšān, where subterranean waters from the Dandāna and Haft Kotal mountains emerge to form the Fīn springs.

Quote from Iranica

They say it was first constructed during the Safavid era, in the 17th century, a beautiful garden originating from the Fin springs; hence the name of Fin garden. Since then many Iranian monarchs have spent their time both for rest and more important things. It is still one of the most beautiful gardens, very alive and glorious. It was mainly known during the reign of Fat′h Ali Shah Qajar, who repaired and expanded it by adding the pavilion called Ṣoffa-ye Fatḥ-ʿalīšāhī, under which a turquoise, tiled pool, and numerous fountains were installed, and also bathhouses. It is the only pavilion in a Persian Garden which is built above the channels of water and not behind it.

        UNESCO declared the garden a World Heritage Site on July 18, 2012.

There are big Bathhouse and some smaller ones. Each of them has a treasure and several basins. The biggest one with marble pillars and painted ceiling is remarkable, but the smallest one is valuable because of cultural concepts that it carries; this is the place which Amir Kabir, the greatest minister of Nasereddin Shah Qajar, is murdered. For Iranian Amir Kabir is a great historical character. He was the founder of the first school which is known as the first university in the modern history of Iran and also the publisher of an important newspaper. But the story of his life was tragic. Those people around the king, plot together and made the king order the death decree. He was killed in the Fin bathhouse.

When I walk through the old cypresses toward the bathroom, along the narrow channels with blue tiles that carry some underground aqueduct, called Qanat, I think about the Fin Garden. It shows the Integration of tragic history and elegant architecture. This picturesque construction is surrounded by a poetic ambiance, formed in a desert city and that is wonderful. It looks like an image of heaven, tinned with a melancholic sound of death and betrayal.


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