Local People of Abyaneh Village

Abyaneh Historical Village has long been a study site for anthropologists. Because of its remoteness and isolation from the main roads, this village has still kept its old architecture, and culture including language, customs, and clothes. The architecture of the houses in the village is fascinating, they are terraced and all covered with a lump […]

Fin Garden, a Melancholic Image of Heaven in Kashan

Fin Garden, known as BĀḠ-e FĪN, Bāḡ-e Šāh-e Kāšān and Bāḡ-e Šāh-e Fīn, a royal garden at about one parasang to the southwest of the city of Kāšān, where subterranean waters from the Dandāna and Haft Kotal mountains emerge to form the Fīn springs. Quote from Iranica They say it was first constructed during the […]