The Combination of Art and Culture in Ganjali Khan Complex
Ganjalikhan Bath Kerman Iran

Ganjali Khan complex in Kerman has an area of 11,000 square meters and is located in the old city center. This historical complex includes Bazaar, square, Ganjali khan bath, caravanserai, school and…


Ganjali Khan was one of the kings of Kerman in its colorful history, and the architect of this collection is Sultan Muhammad from the city of Yazd. In this collection, you can take a walk through the bazaar and get familiar with more traditional parts of Kerman’s life. The beauty and efficacy of the Ganjali Khan bath architecture will surprise you. One of the sweet experiences in this bath is the visit to the Wish pool. People used to wish for something in this place and then drop some coins in it. From the past, the person who would change the water and clean the bottom of the pool was the poorest person who worked in the bathroom. So, he would collect the coins as a bonus to his difficult job.

It is a pleasure to pay attention to two parts when you visit Ganjali khan bath. One is the paintings in the bath, which is divided into two parts. The lower part is related to the Qajar period. Actually, by looking at it, you are reviewing a part of Iranian literature, including topics such as Bahram Gor and “Khosrow and Shirin” some of the most famous stories in Iranian mythology. Your tour guide will tell you about these fascinating stories in Ganjali khan Complex, so use this opportunity.

Another important item in the bath is a red stone with 10 cm thickness, which is called the Time Stone and if you choose our tour our guide will explain this simple ingenious item and how it works.


Visiting hours:

The visiting hours of the Ganjali Khan complex are every day from 09:00 Am to 10:00 Pm The admittance for foreigners is 25000 Tomans.


Address and access:

 You can go to Ganjali Khan complex in different ways such as in Kerman city:

By bus, Taleghani Street, Arg square

By bus, Shariati Street, Moshtagh square



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