What do Iranians Eat and Drink?
Ghorme Sabzi Khoresh Iranian Foods and Drinks

Part Three


Tea and mostly black tea is the main drink, in fact, it is not consumed only during breakfast, but also throughout the day. It is also possible to prepare a particular drink at home, which can also be bought packaged, based on carbonated water, yogurt and added natural flavors (dùgh). In addition to the aforementioned beverages, the Iranians usually drink coffee, carbonated soft drinks, and non-alcoholic beer, as the Muslims’ religion forbids them to drink any alcoholic beverages.


A large variety of spices (Adviègiàt in Persian) are used: especially onion, garlic, coriander, parsley, saffron, chili, cinnamon, dried rose petals, and turmeric, also known as saffron of the poor. These are added especially during the cooking of meat and pasta dishes, even if the typical Iranian cuisine is not too spicy.


Vegetables are widely used in cooking and in great variety, such as leek, parsley, and dill in the most popular Koresh such as Ghormehsabzi and Celery Khoresht (Karafs). Most of the vegetables are eaten raw, except for the spinach that is cooked instead.


Among the main condiments, corn and sunflower oil (sometimes very dense) is widespread, while olive oil is rarely used because it is very expensive. Butter is mainly used for the preparation of desserts. As mentioned previously, yogurt is also used as a condiment. The yogurt sauce is served more or less thickened, with the addition of garlic or celery.

**The Pictures are taken from websites of The Iranian Project, Friendly Iran and I live in Frying Pan


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